A holistic view of the whole organism

At Ems Vital, naturopathy effectively combines modern diagnostic systems with ancient philosophies and treatments. Naturopathy takes a holistic approach which can provide lasting alleviation from diseases and identify them early on. Individual therapies lead to long-term improvements in health.

Unlike orthodox medicine, naturopathy looks at the body’s biophysical regulatory processes in addition to its biochemistry. The biological frequency spectrum often holds the otherwise elusive answers to questions concerning health and illness.

Vitalcheck reveals weaknesses

Naturopathy at Ems Vital covers a wide range of analytical and therapeutic methods. In particular, Ems Vital is the only clinic to offer the renowned biophysicist Dr Knapp’s tried and tested methods. The starting point for any therapy is a Vitalcheck, which identifies functional disorders at energetic and cellular level using modern techniques. This delivers a comprehensive medical history which paves the way for a therapy plan tailored specifically to the patient.

Forward-looking prevention

Allergies, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, intestinal diseases or burn-out are considered typical diseases of civilization, caused by our modern living conditions. Genuine early detection, as offered by the Vitalcheck from Ems Vital, helps to recognize diseases up to eight years in advance and to treat them at an early stage. Existing health problems in the chronic-degenerative area can also be identified and alleviated by means of gentle healing methods.

Vitalcheck Plus
at Ems Vital

An all-inclusive health program

Vitalcheck Plus supplements a classic check-up with additional therapies and individual treatment types. The Vitalcheck Plus services include diagnosis as well as care during therapy and, if medically necessary, an intermediate checkup. Special methods and intensive support allow patients to make health progress within a short space of time.

Analysis on the computer screen


Modern technology provides clarity

A holistic analysis of the patient’s current state of health at cellular and energetic level is the starting point for all subsequent therapeutic steps. Ems Vital uses a range of diagnostic tools, including the methods developed by biophysicist Dr Knapp, which have been proven to be effective. Additional testing options are also available thanks to Ems Vital’s own laboratory.


Tailored treatment

Holistic treatment tailored specifically to the patient’s needs is the only way to achieve lasting health progress. Depending on these individual needs, a course of therapy at Ems Vital may involve combining ancient knowledge and traditional methods with modern treatment technology and homeopathic medication.


Pinpointing and checking progress

During the course of therapy, the patient’s body changes. Interim and subsequent check-ups show where adjustments need to be made or what health progress the treatment has achieved. Ems Vital is careful to ensure transparency and comprehensibility. Interim check-ups make results visible.


Long-term health and healthy ageing cannot be taken for granted. The Vitalcheck service from Ems Vital provides a holistic analysis of an individual’s state of health and forms the basis for recommending specific therapies. Vitalcheck Plus also includes a tailored therapy concept, paving the way for the greatest possible health progress in a short space of time.

Vital Check


Plasmaprint® was developed by Dr Knapp and is only available at Ems Vital. The technology provides precise information about the patient’s current vital signs and makes it possible to track progress.

DFX® blood count

Ems Vital is the exclusive provider of DFX® blood analysis. This diagnostic procedure examines, among other things, the quality of the blood cells and the intracellular space (IZR) or Pischinger space. This allows conclusions to be drawn about the current state of health. Follow-up checks are possible by appointment and at extra cost.

Bioresonance scan

During the course of treatment, the organism changes. This may make it necessary to adjust the therapy or medication, for instance. The experts at Ems Vital use a bioresonance scan to make sure that patients are being treated optimally at all times.

Comprehensive medical history

A comprehensive medical history serves to establish the patient’s current state of health. The experts at Ems Vital assess the information and medical history provided by the patient and use important, naturopathic diagnostic procedures.

from 1.535,00 EUR
Tax-free according to § 4 No. 14 UStG

Follow-up services such as laboratory and control examinations as well as individual therapies can be booked by arrangement with our therapists depending on the clinical picture and for an additional charge.

Treatments that take place at the weekend (Sat/Sun) are charged with a surcharge of 25% on the treatment price.

Vital Check


Plasmaprint® was developed by Dr Knapp and is only available at Ems Vital. The technology provides precise information about the patient’s current vital signs and makes it possible to track progress.

DFX® blood count

Ems Vital is the exclusive provider of DFX® blood analysis. This diagnostic procedure examines, among other things, the quality of the blood cells and the intracellular space (IZR) or Pischinger space. This allows conclusions to be drawn about the current state of health. Follow-up checks are possible by appointment and at extra cost.

Bioresonance scan

During the course of treatment, the organism changes. This may make it necessary to adjust the therapy or medication, for instance. The experts at Ems Vital use a bioresonance scan to make sure that patients are being treated optimally at all times.

Comprehensive medical history

A comprehensive medical history serves to establish the patient’s current state of health. The experts at Ems Vital assess the information and medical history provided by the patient and use important, naturopathic diagnostic procedures.

Laboratory results

In the institute's own laboratory, Ems Vital offers extensive testing options, for example for blood pressure, urine, blood sugar or micronutrient supply. Other parameters, including allergens and viruses, can be tested by external partner laboratories (additional service, at an extra charge).

Individual courses of therapy

Depending on the patient’s individual needs, a course of therapy at Ems Vital may combine traditional methods with modern treatment technology and homeopathic medication. Therapy is always tailored to the individual patient and his or her needs.


During the course of therapy, the patient’s body changes. If medically necessary, an intermediate check is carried out by our specialists. This shows where there is further need for adjustment or what health progress has been achieved by the treatment. Ems Vital is careful to ensure transparency and comprehensibility.

Nutritional counseling (6 units)

The nutritional consultation is divided into six units and, depending on the symptoms, serves to prevent or treat chronic complaints. Based on this, a goal-oriented nutrition plan is created by our certified dietician.

2.135,00 EUR
tax-free according to § 4 No. 14 UStG

Treatments that take place on weekends (Sat/Sun) are charged with a surcharge of 25% on the treatment price.

Focus days

Introductory day

The introductory day starts with a health check-up, our so-called Vitalcheck Plus. Participants are also informed about the schedule for the focus days and learn interesting facts about health topics that are relevant to them.

Vital Check Plus

The Vitality Check Plus is carried out at the beginning and end of each focus day. It provides comprehensive information on the current state of health and potential health risks. Based on the results, the treatment plan for a holistic therapy is determined, as is possible during the focus days. At the end of the focus days, this assessment makes it possible to show the health progress that has been achieved through the intensive treatment.

Individual courses of therapy

The therapies are tailored to the individual needs of the participants. They are often a combination of traditional healing methods, modern treatment techniques and homeopathic medication. The therapies are discussed and calculated individually with the participants.

Final discussion

The body changes during therapy. The final consultation shows what health progress has been made and whether further action is required. Ems Vital attaches great importance to transparency and traceability.  

Prices according to expenditure
Treatments that take place at the weekend (Sat/Sun) are subject to a 25% surcharge on the treatment price.
Travel and overnight stays are not included in the price and are organized independently by the participants.

Holistic service portfolio

Unique combination of naturopathy and technology

Ems Vital offers a wide range of modern, naturopathic examinations – from diagnosis to therapy. Knowing a patient’s physical state of health is critical in order to identify potential illnesses early on, work to prevent them and treat them holistically.

Note on the law on advertising of medicinal products: In our institute we apply various naturopathic therapies, which is an alternative method, the validity of which is not scientifically confirmed. All statements about modes of action, clinical pictures, triggers and indicators and possible properties are based on the experiences and findings that have already been made with the method. We cannot guarantee relief of symptoms or healing success. We refer to our many years of practical experience with naturopathic therapies.

We do not see our offer primarily as alternative medicine, but as a complementary approach to conventional medicine. Some of the diseases mentioned require a conventional medical diagnosis and therapy. We recommend a clarification with the specialist whether the naturopathic therapy should be done on its own or as a complement to conventional medicine.

DFX® Blood count

Qualitative analysis of blood cells

Ems Vital is the only institute to offer the DFX® blood analysis. This diagnostic procedure examines factors such as the quality of blood cells and the intracellular compartment or Pischinger space. Conclusions can then be drawn about the patient’s current state of health.

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Bach Flowers Remedies and Colorplate®

Enhancing mental well-being

A mental imbalance often leads to physical symptoms as well. The Colorplate® Bach Flower Therapy using Dr Knapp’s method helps to release emotional blockages and restore inner harmony.

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HRV measurement

Measurement of heart rate variability

HRV measurement serves as a simple and precise method of health analysis and objectively depicts the stress situation of the organism, which can be both a trigger and a symptom of serious health disorders.

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The science of life

Ayurveda aims to bring about vitality, health and joy. This form of therapy puts preventing disease before healing it, making it one of the most comprehensive concepts for healthy living.

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ATM® according to Dr. Knapp

Accelerating healing processes

The Active Transmitter Therapy (ATM®) according to Dr. Knapp can restore impaired cellular metabolism and help to alleviate symptoms long-term. Ems Vital is the only provider to offer this therapy.

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Dorn therapy

Gently correcting blockages

Dorn therapy is a form of manual therapy which releases blockages in the back and joints and returns the spine to its natural position. This is done gently and with the help of the patient’s own muscles.

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Blood analysis

Extended diagnostic options through blood analysis

In addition to stool diagnostics, Ems Vital offers a comprehensive blood test in collaboration with a partner laboratory. With over 450 individual parameters, this enables detailed diagnostics to determine allergies, food intolerances and hormonal disorders, among other things.

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Allergy treatment

Holistic allergy treatment

Around 20% of the German population are affected - often with symptoms such as hay fever, skin rashes or respiratory problems.

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Focus days

The feel-good package for your health

The program helps participants to regain energy, become more productive and improve their general well-being.

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Harnessing the healing power of plants

Herbal medicine is one of the oldest forms of therapy in the world. It draws on a wide-ranging knowledge of the healing power of plants in connection with all sorts of illnesses.

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Diagnosis and therapy in the human energy field

Naturopaths consider bioresonance to be an effective means of treating a range of symptoms. The diagnosis and treatment are based on measuring and modifying the body’s wavelengths

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Abhyanga massage

Ayurvedic oil massage

Abhyanga is a popular wellness massage that uses vegetable oils. It cleanses the body, stimulates circulation and metabolism, and strengthens the immune system with its relaxing effect. Abhyanga is used as part of the ayurveda science of life to maintain health and well-being.

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Ear candles

Relaxation for the whole body

Ear candles have many other benefits besides a cleansing effect: The heat input into the ear canal calms the mind, relieves headaches, migraines and colds, relieves tension and can even be used for ringing in the ears, ringing in the ears or hearing loss. Ear candles are a true source of relaxation.

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Medical wellness

Promoting good health through relaxation

At Ems Vital, medical wellness spans a wide range of relaxation and massage services overseen by a health professional. Mental and physical well-being promote good health, making it an important aspect of disease prevention. Stress, worries, tension and resulting symptoms can be avoided as a result.

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Basentage (Alkaline diet)

Restoring a sense of balance

The Ems Vital alkaline diet holds the key to improved health and vitality. Specially trained fasting supervisors and therapists from Ems Vital work with clients who choose an alkaline diet plan, supporting them in small groups as they pursue a more balanced lifestyle. They are also assisted by external coaches. The fast is complemented by a tailored naturopathic programme.

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Therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger

Boosting vitality and energy

The method of therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger has a rejuvenating effect on body, mind and soul. Its holistically detoxifying effect reactivates the self-healing response, strengthens the immune system and revitalises. At Ems Vital, clients on a course of Buchinger therapeutic fasting benefit from professional support and a complementary health programme for the greatest possible success.

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Therapeutic Fasting

Regeneration from the inside out

Balanced nutrition and a full liquid diet have been proven to promote health and vitality. With its alkaline diet and therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger, Ems Vital offers two different types of nutritional therapy. In small groups with professional guidance, participants learn about the healing power of healthy eating.

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Alternative medicine

Homeopathy uses remedies which are taken as globules, tablets or drops. The aim of this naturopathic therapy is to reactivate the body’s self-healing response.

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Foot reflexology

Release energy blockages through the soles of the feet

The sole of a person's foot consists of a large number of reflex zones, which are connected to the organs and vertebrae via nerve pathways. Through a targeted pressure massage of the specific foot reflex zones, energy blockages, superimposed pain or functional disorders in the entire body can be alleviated or even eliminated.

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Plasmaprint® at Ems Vital

Early identification of regulatory disorders

Plasmaprint® was developed by Dr Knapp and is only available at Ems Vital. The technology provides precise information about the patient’s current vital signs and makes it possible to track progress.

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Orthomolecular Medicine

Administering nutrients to alleviate and prevent illness

Being deficient in vital nutrients can cause illness. In orthomolecular therapy, natural vitamins, minerals and trace elements are administered to boost the patient’s immune system and health.

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The healing power of essential oils

The scent of essential oils enhances mental and physical well-being, Aromatherapy does not just appeal to our sense of smell, however: it also targets specific organs. This means that the oils work in a host of different ways.

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Inner equilibrium through deep relaxation

Regular deep relaxation makes us calmer and more composed in day-to-day life and enhances our productivity. brainLight makes it easy to relax with music and colour visualisations.

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Successfully releases blockages in the energy flow

As a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a healing method that is thousands of years old. Small needle pricks in certain areas of the body relieve pain, inflammation or mood disorders.

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Eliminating the toxins that cause illness

Symptoms of illnesses are often the expression of a deeper-seated problem. Unlike orthodox medicine, homotoxicology pursues long-term health goals and sets out to find the root cause of illnesses.

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Andullation therapy

Promoting good health with warmth and vibrations

Andullation is a therapy that uses biologic resonance vibrations to restore the organism’s functions. It is used preventively and to treat a large number of conditions.

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Oxygen therapy

Singlet oxygen for new vitality

Oxygen is absolutely essential for our bodies. Utilising it optimally is at least as important. If our cells can absorb the available oxygen effectively, this promotes health and well-being.

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