The method of therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger has a rejuvenating effect on body, mind and soul. Its holistically detoxifying effect reactivates the self-healing response, strengthens the immune system and revitalises. At Ems Vital, clients on a course of Buchinger therapeutic fasting benefit from professional support and a complementary health programme for the greatest possible success.
Therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger is probably the best-known method of therapeutic fasting. It was developed by the German doctor Otto Buchinger and centres on a liquid diet of water, juice, broth and a small amount of honey. As well as largely abstaining from food, intestinal cleansing and a number of complementary measures play a crucial role in the detoxification process. These include liver packs, massages, footbaths and gentle exercise.
At Ems Vital, therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger starts with an exhaustive Vitalcheck. Based on this, the specially trained therapists develop a personal treatment plan. The fasting supervisor then introduces the participants step by step to the Buchinger method of therapeutic fasting and the supporting measures. He or she is also available to answer questions during personal consultations. Everyday plans are also produced to help the participants ease gently back into day-to-day life at the end of the fast.
Studies have shown that therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger has a particularly positive effect on patients with cardiovascular or metabolic conditions, chronic inflammatory conditions, hereditary allergies or psychosomatic disorders. The method has also been linked to an increase in the production of the mood-boosting happiness hormone, serotonin. The low-calorie diet also helps to burn fat.